Math Algorithms app is an utility for students to simplify mathematical processes and to reduce the time needed to solve different operations.Currentl...
The Forbes News app brings the latest news articles from the Forbes website right to your Android Phone. The articles feature the latest trends in fin...
Fortune is a pretend Android port of the satirical joke application fortune run in Console (text prompt) on Unix-like (BSD, Linux) systems.(This is a ...
Miesięcznik FORBES, największy w Polsce magazyn skierowany do biznesmenów i menedżerów wyższego szczebla, jest już dostępny w sklepie Google Play. Pob...
★★★世界上最富有★★★有了這個應用程序,你可以看到著名的“福布斯”列表。世界富豪的名單。發表在美國“福布斯”雜誌和世界商業和金融專業。成立於1917年B. C. “福布斯”。它每年出版福布斯400富豪榜,福布斯500強和“財富”500強企業通過列表的極大興趣。公司總部設在紐約的第五大道上。每年,自...
Unique among tablet magazines, this app acts as your gateway to the ultimate Forbes experience by combining the power of the print magazine with the d...
Time Card Basic is a productivity application created for anyone - professionals and non-professionals alike - who want to: keep track of how they are...
★★★★★ Learning concepts has never been this fun. My kids and students love this game!Endorsed by tens of thousands of satisfied parents, teachers, and...
Peasants are lazy, bakers are slow and crowns won't pay for themselves. Help weedy King Norman III amass a fortune in this novel clicker/kingdom-build...