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【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】現任三峽北大特區龍恩里里長林富子,自2010年當選龍恩里長開始,每天念茲在茲就是可以為里民做甚麼,能讓里民感到「幸福」。 「服務公眾」、 『守護家園』遂成為富子畢生職志...
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RT es una app con la que puedes determinar un promedio del tiempo de reverberación (o por octavas) de un modo sencillo y gratuito.Funcionamiento:1. Ar...
RCBController has an interface of a gamepad, and if these buttons are pushed, it will transmit the following data by Bluetooth LE (BLE).When you use t...
This is the RC15 Lantic Remote for Lantic Entertainment Systems®. This App gives you full control via your iPhone or iPod Touch of the complete Lantic...
This app is used to calculate the RC charging and RC filter circuit. It is suitable for hobbyist or electronic engineer.Features* Calculate time const...
Save money and avoid buying parts you already have. RC Inventory will help you record and manage your inventory of spare parts and determine when you'...
đây là ứng dụng man tên RC Location Manager for you tôi viết nhằm mục đích giúp các các biết thêm thông tin toạ độ nơi ở hiện tại, chúc các bạn sử dụn...