La PentApp ti permette di essere sempre aggiornato sugli eventi, le news e altre attività proposte dall'associazione culturale "Villaggio Cultura ...
La PentApp ti permette di essere sempre aggiornato sugli eventi, le news e altre attività proposte dall'associazione culturale "Villaggio Cultura ...
一個簡單而快速的方式來捕捉精彩瞬間。這是一個原生的Android系統相機應用程序。您可以利用手機或平板電腦的所有硬件優勢,輕鬆拍出絢麗、出色的照片。主要特點:- 3種拍攝模式:攝像機,錄像機和全景- 攝像頭和視頻功能- 捏放大- 智能全景拍攝- 倒數計時器- 動態用戶界面(手機/平板)- 寬屏幕...
攝像頭的應用程序將讓你做出優秀的圖片,這是一個非常快速和簡單的方法來捕捉精彩瞬間。 您可以輕鬆拍攝出色的照片,利用手機或平板電腦的所有優勢。 產品特點: - 攝像機,錄像機和全景功能 - 白平衡設置(白熾燈,熒光燈,自動,日光,多雲) - 屏幕模式設置(動作,夜景,日落,播放) - 動態用戶界面(手...
Some of you may remember a puzzle game named Intelligent Qube (Kurushi Final in Europe) on the first PlayStation. You were playing a character trapped...
TG Lurgan presents the very best of modern Irish Language music videos.While the songs themselves provide first class entertainment they are also an e...
Android Flashlight Application with flash torch and Front Screen light options.Have Android Phone? You don't need to carry torchlight with you. TG...
This is Content - Only App. It does Not Perform any Function. It gives you information regarding how to prepare Chicken Tikka Masla.The term Tikka mea...
AATCC the Association of Textile, Apparel & Materials Professionals app provides the best resource for what's happening at AATCC: workshops, sympo...
The WGSN News App delivers up-to-the-moment fashion and designer updates, new developments in retail, textiles and international trade, as well as bus...
Since 1997 TexData International offers a world wide information service for textile industries. The company started out as a web-pioneer with an exte...