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家教信息大全汇集了常青藤家教网超过2万名家教老师信息,作为家长您可以通过这个应用为您的孩子挑选各科家教,涵盖从小学到高中、文体特长到基础教育。部分地区家教较少,您可以登录常青藤家教网了解更多操作。 应用特点: 1、内容丰富,方便按地区查找 2、沟通方便,直接查看或拨通电话免費玩家教 APP玩免費免費...
为您提供最全面最及时的家教资讯。资讯支持收藏、评论,同时可以通过短信、邮件、微博等方式,分享给你的好友!微博包含腾讯微博、新浪微博、人人网、facebook、twitter等国内外主流SNS平台! 8月13日 1.0.3 版本更新: 1,各项细节优化; 2,已知Bug修复; 3,浏览更流畅 赶快下载...
Math Formulary Pro covers all mathematical formulas that are usually used in the school and the university. Where necessary graphics are included to d...
Freaking Math Pro - Brain trainning gameHow to play:• One second for making decision.• Choose TRUE or FALSE for a simple mathematical expression.• Ans...
Math pro is for younger kids but the harder levels may be challenging to teens and some adults.There is an easy mode, Normal mode, and Hard mode. Ther...
Solving day's supply and quantity equations quickly, efficiently, and accurately is a valuable trait for any Pharmacy Technician. Sig Math Pro pro...
Mathpro is a collection of calculators: Matrix Calculator (including complex matrices), Complex Number Calculator, Factorial Calculator, Quadratic Equ...
"Interactive Math PRO" is ideal for students and graduates, you will find a variety of useful formulas and tools for your daily calculus, you can ente...
Diese App richtet sich speziell an Kinder der Grundschule und verzichtet deshalb auf jegliche Werbung und Internetverbindung. Für diese App sind keine...
4444 是一款玩法独特的动作解谜游戏,无论何种文化背景的玩家均老少皆宜。这款游戏操作起来十分简单,只需点按屏幕即可,无需四处滑动或做出复杂的姿势。4444 的玩法也超级简单,极易上手。把四个同样颜色和大小的方块合并起来,组成一个更大的同色方块即可。把棋盘上的所有方块组合成一个大方块即可通关! 但虽...