本APP为您解读日本料理菜谱、日本料理做法、日本料理食谱、日本料理怎么吃,是您的厨房好帮手。 ★日本料理★ 日本料理即“和食”,起源于日本列岛,并逐渐发展成为独具日本特色的菜肴。和食要求色自然、味鲜美、形多样、器精良。而且,材料和调理法重视季节感。 ★操作说明★ 1)列表页下方的小箭头可以快速切换页...
本APP为您解读日本料理菜谱、日本料理做法、日本料理食谱、日本料理怎么吃,是您的厨房好帮手。 ★日本料理★ 日本料理即“和食”,起源于日本列岛,并逐渐发展成为独具日本特色的菜肴。和食要求色自然、味鲜美、形多样、器精良。而且,材料和调理法重视季节感。 ★操作说明★ 1)列表页下方的小箭头可以快速切换页...
登登,是一款集“记录生活”、“分享生活”和“真实社交”的手机应用。 记录生活:通过即拍照片、心情文字,有声照片,语音评论等方式,为自己编写一本动态的时空生活日记。 分享生活:通过权限设置,可向 指定好友 或 所有好友 开放您的私生活园地。 真实社交:密友圈子 与 陌生交际 共存,让您的生活更加丰富多...
MASA is an international Call service for the Andriod. With MASA you can make FREE and CHEAP INTERNATIONAL CALLS worldwide. The service is simple. Jus...
A lovely little app that brings the joy of film to the iPhone.Unlike most digital cameras, Thirty Six doesn’t allow you to peek at the photos you just...
MobileMetro DC is the FASTEST and EASIEST app for looking up routes and checking bus arrival times for the DC Metro. MobileMetro DC keeps track of eve...
This interactive e-book explores how to synthesize large amounts of data into effective project reports and financial statements. Learn how to underst...
Aprenda coisas novas todos os dias neste app! Atualizações diárias com curiosidades gerais e conteúdo exclusivo sobre terror, fobias, recordes, bizarr...
Mediatap is a powerful, fast and easy-to-use application for downloading media files from the Internet. With Mediatap, you can download any type of fi...
تطبيق كنيسة الفرح تطبيق جد متميز يقدم خدمات جمة دروس مصورة بالصوت والصورة لأكثر من مائة درس مصور بالعربي والانجليزي لأهم دروس الحياة اساسيات الايمان ا...
myDrinks - Drink Counter is an easy to use tool to keep count of drinks consumed throughout the day/night. This drink counter is great for anyone tryi...