告别传统观星望月计算潮汐时间的尴尬,让你有一个更加直观的方式看潮汐。 你是否有过到海边赶海遇到涨潮的无奈?你是否有过玩过头被困在礁石上的困境?你是否有过海边拍照反而被海浪打湿了衣服的窘迫?全国潮汐表,正是为这个而制作的。 【功能特色】 ★提供全国沿海港口的精确潮汐查询; ★基于GPS定位的便捷方式;...
告别传统观星望月计算潮汐时间的尴尬,让你有一个更加直观的方式看潮汐。 你是否有过到海边赶海遇到涨潮的无奈?你是否有过玩过头被困在礁石上的困境?你是否有过海边拍照反而被海浪打湿了衣服的窘迫?全国潮汐表,正是为这个而制作的。 【功能特色】 ★提供全国沿海港口的精确潮汐查询; ★基于GPS定位的便捷方式;...
台灣潮汐圖提供圖形化的潮汐變化圖,給從事潛水,釣魚,浮潛,衝浪,踏浪 等海邊休閒活動愛好者,一個離線查詢氣候及波浪的工具。一旦你開啟頁面後,圖形資料便會儲存在你的 SD 記憶卡中,方便你隨時讀取,即使你在海上無網路的環境,你依舊可以參考並讀取上次讀過的資料。具體功能:* 可離線查詢潮汐變化圖。* 可...
赶海必备,海钓必备,沙滩必备,旅游必备。 本软件可以获取中国海事服务网官方数据,精确获得涨潮落潮,实时天气,温度,日出日落时间等信息。 潮汐预报表的简称。它预报沿海某些地点在未来一定时期的每天潮汐情况。在航运方面,有些水道和港湾须在高潮前后才能航行和进出港;在军事方面,有时为了选择有利的登陆地点和时...
This app translates text, words and sentences from Spanish to German and from German to Spanish. It can be used a dictionary and for word meanings too...
*FREE*This app translates text, words and sentences from Korean to Spanish and from Spanish to Korean. Spanish Korean Translator can be used a diction...
This app translates text, words and sentences from Arabic to German and from German to Arabic. It can be used a dictionary and for word meanings too. ...
*FREE*This app translates text, words and sentences from German to French and from French to German. French German Translator can be used a dictionary...
Classic Free Match Linking Game!Your mission is to match all the sweet Candy (including gummy bear, candy bar, parodo,etc). Pass the levels and try to...
Classic Free timed three round of matching Candy Soda game!Your mission is to match all the sweet Candy, Crush it! pass the levels and try to get all ...
Classic, fun & super addictive CANDY Rain Flood Mania is here. This arcade derived candy game is a combi of Candy and colour flooding fun! You get the...