宝石贴纸ř相机 app

Camera for Android Nexus

一個不可缺少的Android原生相機應用。Android系統內置相機應用程序是最高效的,它可以起到充分利用硬件性能,讓您可以更輕鬆地控製手機的攝像頭,拍攝更加完美的照片。主要特點:- 3種標準模式:攝像機,錄像機和全景- 拍攝圖片和視頻功能- 人臉自動檢測- 縮放屏幕調整焦距- 智能全景拍攝- 動態...

Nexus 7 Camera

Nexus 7 Camera Unlocker is now Nexus 7 Camera. This software unlocks camera application on Nexus 7 without needing use of third-party camera apps. Thi...

Camera FV-5 Lite

Camera FV-5 is a professional camera application for mobile devices, that puts DSLR-like manual controls in your fingertips. Tailored to enthusiast an...

Camera FV-5

Camera FV-5 is a professional camera application for mobile devices, that puts DSLR-like manual controls in your fingertips. Tailored to enthusiast an...

专业摄像 Camera FV-5

一款专业级别的拍照拍摄软件,功能强大,所有的拍摄参数都可以调整,支持类似单反像取景器的显示效果! 主要特点: 所有的摄影参数是可调的,始终在手工:曝光补偿,ISO,测光模式,对焦模式,白平衡和程序模式。 数码单反像取景器显示:曝光时间,光圈,并停止显示EV和包围曝光设置。 完整的包围曝光:从3至7帧...