這是一個非正式公民1985行動聯盟的APP.此APP提供使用者了解公民1985行動聯盟:- 最新活動訊息(也可在活動頁面相簿上傳照片分享)- 提供留言交流- 快速連結至公民1985臉書及其他資訊- 觀看公民1985特製影片- 瀏覽最新有關公民1985的新聞- 傳訊息與建議給公民1985公民1985行...
這是一個非正式公民1985行動聯盟的APP.此APP提供使用者了解公民1985行動聯盟:- 最新活動訊息(也可在活動頁面相簿上傳照片分享)- 提供留言交流- 快速連結至公民1985臉書及其他資訊- 觀看公民1985特製影片- 瀏覽最新有關公民1985的新聞- 傳訊息與建議給公民1985公民1985行...
经史子集之史部 宋书,南朝梁·沈约 著沈约(441—513年),字休文,吴兴郡武康县(今浙江德清)人。齐武帝永明五年(487年)春,沈约奉命修撰《宋节》,次年二月完成纪、传部分,梁初写成30卷的志,全书告成。全书共百卷,包括本纪10卷,列传60卷,志30卷。记事始于宋武帝永初元年(420年),迄于宋...
For I warn you perfectly frankly that I am distinctly pro-dog and distinctly pro-Christmas, and would like to bring to this little story whatever whif...
„Asia: Animal Adventures for Kids“ turns kids into little wildlife, animal and plant experts and will inspire the whole family! Discover over 40 Asian...
THE POETRY OF GEORGIAN POET LADO ASATIANIლადო ასათიანის პოეზია, ბიოგრაფია, პირადი წერილები და ჩანაწერები.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY THE RISING INTERNATION...
Streaming Tutors is the leading provider of online tutoring geared towards college and research students. Through innovatively connecting learning pro...
אחת מאפליקציות הילדים הטובות ביותר - דה מרקר צרכנותאפליקציית חובה - רפאל תדגי, אתר הביקורות iPhoneil.netטאצ'ו עושה לי טוב על הנשמה - הילה גולן, אתר בי...
Asan Quran HD, optimized for iPad retina display.'Asan Quran' is Quran with Urdu translation as prepared by our synergy partner www.quranasan.net Qura...
'Asan Quran II' is Quran with Urdu translation (Maulana Syed Shabbir Ahmed) & transliteration as prepared by our synergy partner Quran Asan Tehrik (ww...
Straylings has been developed to test the players' mastery of skills, and to identify gaps in the players' knowledge or abilities.Straylings can be pl...