手機必備行動安全工具,蟬聯Google Play 前五大行動安全程式全新改版上線!免費保護你的手機和個人資料,功能更齊全,不再擔心手機不見、個資被盜、隱私外洩等風險。行動安全防護-全民版與中華電信合作,採用趨勢科技 AV-TEST No.1 行動安全防護引擎,百分百最高病毒偵測率及零誤判,提供免費雲...
手機必備行動安全工具,蟬聯Google Play 前五大行動安全程式全新改版上線!免費保護你的手機和個人資料,功能更齊全,不再擔心手機不見、個資被盜、隱私外洩等風險。行動安全防護-全民版與中華電信合作,採用趨勢科技 AV-TEST No.1 行動安全防護引擎,百分百最高病毒偵測率及零誤判,提供免費雲...
快速和容易保护您的个人资料与“我的安全注意事项”为什么“我的安全注意事项” :*是快*很简单*是安全的把你所有的个人数据,即使是简单的音符,保护(加密)只用一个主密码。这是非常简单和快速。默认密码为1234该应用程序使用从您的设备中的第二个关键的IMEI 。所以,如果复制到另一个设备的数据,解密他们...
Move to SD Card Application is movement of apps to on your device's external or internal storage through your device's Settings. This applicat...
Auto Move is an app, which moves all the files you want to your desired location - and you don't have to do anything for it! Example: You want eve...
Free SD Card Organizer app for Android helps you optimize the use of internal memory space in your phone.You can move your apps to SD card without a h...
Like a lot of you, many people go online to meet people because they are too insecure to actually meet people in the real world. This is usually the b...
Simple and efficient call recorder solution for your Android phone. Record automatically all incoming and (or) outgoing calls.Call Recorder gives you ...
All Call Blocker, also known as call block, call screening, or call rejection, allows a telephone subscriber to block incoming calls from specific tel...
Is it possible to restore apps that were moved to the SD card?A Micro SD Card is one such device that is capable of doing this and is commonly used as...
Photo editing, image editing or picture editing on Android is still in the stages where you can do only the most basic edits. However, apps are coming...