

你的大腦是聰明嗎?與你年齡相乎嗎? 在退步嗎? 記憶大不如前嗎? 試試我,你就會知道你的大腦年齡了。這是一系列的腦測試。除了測試你目前大腦的狀況,它也有助於加強你的大腦區域瞬時記憶,顏色區分,數字定位和視覺記憶。經常訓練,將令你的大腦年齡比實際年輕。即使喜歡玩沙箱孩子也會喜歡這個遊戲。你並不需要先進...

Tower Fall

Avoid the towers by tilting the device or by tapping the left side of the screen to make the person go to the left, and the right side to make the per...

Tower Doodle

*OVER 1 MILLION DOWNLOADS +++This is a very strategic game, stack all the Towers to reach the green target. If u touch the red target u will loose a l...

Tower Down

The land is approved; the loan is ready. Let’s hurry up and build a tower!In this crowded and busy city, the land is more and more rare. But now you g...