婚嫁雜誌 Happy Marriage
成日有人話 "婚姻是戀愛的墳墓"...但亦有人說 "婚姻是愛情的延續"...誰是誰非,都不能儘信...但有一點可以肯定的是 "婚姻" 是需要去刻意經營, 亦只有通過欣賞和包容, 才能夠成就一段美滿姻緣 !! 本應用程式正是和大家一起分享愛情,婚姻及婚嫁的軼事與樂趣... 並在此 祝福 "天下有情人終...
成日有人話 "婚姻是戀愛的墳墓"...但亦有人說 "婚姻是愛情的延續"...誰是誰非,都不能儘信...但有一點可以肯定的是 "婚姻" 是需要去刻意經營, 亦只有通過欣賞和包容, 才能夠成就一段美滿姻緣 !! 本應用程式正是和大家一起分享愛情,婚姻及婚嫁的軼事與樂趣... 並在此 祝福 "天下有情人終...
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Feel like your relationship has fallen flat? Can't seem to put your finger on any one issue but it just feels like something is amiss between you ...
Dating and marriage is different than it was twenty years ago. In today’s society, more than 50% of all marriages fail for one reason or another. Just...
Married couple or even couple who are planning to get married get stuck on their relationship sometimes and who would want their marriage not to be a ...
Marriage Quotes is a free android app filled with hundreds of the best quotes about marriage and love. These sayings are cute, funny, and true to life...
The Seventh Episode "Isaac's marriage"Abraham and Sarah's son Isaac grew into a handsome young man, and they want to find a wife for Isaac. Ab...
Marriage tips contains finest tips that experts have been using for years. Every tip carefully selected tens of expert advices. This app is for those ...
Marriage RelationshipIn The Marriage Relationship, As In Life, It Should Be Obvious ThatNo single marriage is perfect. As the sky puts up various look...