

臺灣言情小說作家,其作品被稱為“冰淇淋”文學。 90年代初,以穿越小說《交錯時光的愛戀》出道,風靡兩岸,成為新生代的偶像,其作品構思獨特,風格清新,開創了言情小說的新篇章,從而成為言情界領軍人物。作品大致分為2個時期,早期以唯美活潑、輕松詼諧為基調,文筆清澈陽光,字里行間透出無限蓬勃朝氣;近年閱歷年...

Probotik Systems

Probotik Systems is a universal application used to send predefined SMS messages to frequently used recipients, in an easy and organised way:- No need...


WakeIt is a new way to get up in the morning. It's a special designed alarm clock, that makes sure you don't over sleep.Developers: Ido Aizenb...

Cute Kitty

Every morning I'm browsing internet for the most cute kitty images, just to start the day in good mood.I want to invite you, my dear app user, to ...