如何使用print screen键


"Print" enables you to quickly and easily print out photos, contacts, & phone numbers - or print out web pages to read later. You can also print from ...


Print documents from your android phone or tablet by emailing them as an attachment to [you]@printfromipad.com ; where [you] is your username, that yo...

Screen Info

Screen Info is an app that gives you the dimension of your screen in pixels and inches. It lists the width, height, DPI(with definition of ldpi, mdpi,...

Screen Cracker

It is just a Fun!Crack the Android display screen right up as many times as you want!!!In this app where ever you will touch your screen will get a cr...

Public Print

●いつでも、どこでもプリント!「Public Printアプリ」は、Android端末内に保存されている「文書」を、日本国内にある富士ゼロックス製Public Printサービス対応カラー複合機からいつでもどこでもプリントできる、とても便利なツールです。=======================...