Free Mnemonic App.Useful for Medical,Dental,Nursing & all Para-medical students.Physicians,Pharma-students,Health-care Professionals & students workin...
Free Mnemonic App.Useful for Medical,Dental,Nursing & all Para-medical students.Physicians,Pharma-students,Health-care Professionals & students workin...
-------------------Kindly complete this survey to help us improve this app. vocab building app for prep ...
[Notice of application price revision]Thank you for using the Android version CAToy.App price is changed to 99 yen to 120 yen to Japan time of Tuesday...
BIG-UPDATE with many features and attractive presents dedicates to our Users for their supports so far. ----------------------------------------------...
This very simple app just sends audio from the mic to the speaker, plug it into your computer or whatever using a 3.5mm male to male headphone jack an...
Microphone, useful pocket tool, This microphone app simply sends your voice out of the phone! If you have a male-to-male 3.5mm headphone jack you can ...
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