・税抜or税込(ボタンを押す毎に切替)で金額を入力(初期値:税抜)すると単品毎に 税抜、税込価格をリスト及び、合計表示。・2つの消費税率を同時表示(5%、8%、10%)。・金額は、1件毎(最後に入力したもの)及び、全クリア可能。・入力金額及び合計金額は、一千万未満まで表示(一千万以上は"金額over...
・税抜or税込(ボタンを押す毎に切替)で金額を入力(初期値:税抜)すると単品毎に 税抜、税込価格をリスト及び、合計表示。・2つの消費税率を同時表示(5%、8%、10%)。・金額は、1件毎(最後に入力したもの)及び、全クリア可能。・入力金額及び合計金額は、一千万未満まで表示(一千万以上は"金額over...
找出宏偉的樹木的秘密與應用最佳樹! 觀看高品質的圖片和閱讀來自全國各地的世界上最輝煌的樹木迷人的描述。樹是一種多年生的植物,細長的莖,或樹幹,支撐枝葉中種類最多。下方的地面,根分支並攤開廣泛 - 它們用於錨定樹和從土壤中提取水分和養分。地上,樹枝分割成更小的樹枝和芽。了解了很多關於每棵樹更有趣的事實...
Welcome to the OFFICIAL New Style MotherLode App !For those familiar with our Dance Studio, you will find some amazing features in our App, such as:Fo...
Don't be fooled by the relaxing zen-like music of Ontropy, this action packed game will challenge your reflexes and coordinative skills soon enough! T...
On this app, the audio is streaming and you will not need to download it.This is the audio of The New Testament from the World English Bible.The World...
Onyx Virtual iOS app was designed for the use with Onyx Virtual Virtual Airline. It contains a vast library of useful information for Virtual Pilots i...
Find out what new releases just came out on iTunes!Do you like to keep up with the latest music releases? Then this app is a must have!The ‘New Tunes’...
New Wave Web Rádio, iniciou-se em 2014 com intuito de trazer um pouco da cultura Jovem Music.Em caráter experimental entramos no mercado das Rádios We...
Oobat is a word game similar to Taboo or Catch Phrase. You are given a "secret" word. Your goal is to have your partner guess it. You are not allowed ...