I-Am应用程序是移动对话的新格式,您的手机或平板电脑里的第二“我”。采用I-Am时,您总是知道,谁在附近。欢迎您交往,认识新朋友,作出新发现。 “飞行”开拓型服务是今天的将来!现在在I-Am的帮助下,您可以一直坐在沙发上,虚拟去世界上的任何地点,并与那里的周围人交往! 新城市、国家、大陆——当场与...
I-Am应用程序是移动对话的新格式,您的手机或平板电脑里的第二“我”。采用I-Am时,您总是知道,谁在附近。欢迎您交往,认识新朋友,作出新发现。 “飞行”开拓型服务是今天的将来!现在在I-Am的帮助下,您可以一直坐在沙发上,虚拟去世界上的任何地点,并与那里的周围人交往! 新城市、国家、大陆——当场与...
“Michele’s comprehensive affirmations clearly show the listener how to recognize a negative thought as it comes up and how to redirect to create what ...
台灣是小吃的天堂!不論東西南北各處都有讓人垂涎三尺的美食等著你去品嘗。想了解超人氣店家的招牌美食、不起眼小攤販的特色美食嗎?下載這支美食APP吧! 由超人氣美食部落客幫你挖掘出這些隱藏版的巷弄美食,用他們敏銳的味蕾幫你篩選各地美食,以及推薦適合聚餐閒聊的地點。跟著這支美食APP一起尋找出美味的寶藏吧...
"Was macht ein Clown im Büro? -Faxen"oder"Wo wohnt eine Katze am liebsten? -In einem Miezhaus""In App 100 Flachwitze 2 gibt es 100 weitere, kostenlose...
Sytask is a state-of-the art task manager that brings pure fun into your task management and collaboration. It has cloud sync, task collaboration with...
Classic card game High-Low now available on your mobile device! Also known as "Acey-Deucey" or "In Between"Enjoy hours fun in this addictive card coun...
A Variation of the classic board game Shut The Box using playing cards.Roll dice and flip over any amount of cards totaling dice.1 player only. Instru...
SunDo is an application that takes on productivity very differently! SunDo truly reinvents todolists, offering something simple yet very refined and s...
Adventure trash runner. Helps kill time and compete with friends. Nor any saves, only the possibility of a pause, only adventures, only hardcore!Train...
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