The Bible tells us that a close walk with Christ will give us a sound mind. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Neil Anderson tells ...
Sandoval Mobile provides the highest quality voter contact services for Brian Sandoval in the state of Nevada. Our mobile app facilitates voter ID, ge...
Go Red Wisconsin! This app support voter contact activities of Project Go Red on election day.. It has features of downloading the Voters list based o...
Protecting kids from Satanism, new age and the occult. For the minds of our children. New Age thinking has infiltrated our schools. Satanism is on the...
THE BIBLICAL GUIDE TO ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEDo you need help evaluating all the confusing medical, herbal and alternative therapies out there? This reso...
In the spirit of C.S. Lewis, author Rich Miller creates the secret world of Slimeball and Spitwad--two demons intent on making life miserable for 15-y...
Отличия от бесплатной версии:++ Без рекламы++ Не требует доступ в интернет++ Проговаривает слова (TTS)++ Выгрузка/Загрузка словарей (можно переносить ...
Hotdog and beyond is the first restaurant of its kind dedicated to serving only the highest-class hotdogs and burgers in town. Now its on your mobile....
Программа для изучения часто встречаемых слов в английском языке. Возможности:- Тестирование(отображается после 20 выученных слов).- Настройка количес...