

# 2.0 업데이트 - 전면적인 디자인 변경 - 미세먼지 데이터 추가 - 다양한 지수 업데이트데일리아(Dailia)는 대중매체를 통해 쉽게 접할 수 없던 생활,산업,보건 기상지수들을모바일 환경을 통해 제공합니다.제공되는 지수들은 사용자환경(지역,계절)에 맞추어 선택할 ...


Horoscope: The BEST Horoscope app for your device!Best Astrology Scope’sAvailable to Share your Scope via Social NetworkSimple and Easy to Use with Go...


Aplikacja horoskop codziennie dostarczy Ci Twój horoskop.Co przyniesie przyszłość? Powie Ci horoskop. Kiedy spotkasz miłość swego życia? To także powi...


iSNAKESCOPE is an Android viewer and controller that enables you to remotely monitor live video and taking pictures from a Boresope Camera.Teamforce i...

Jiddu Daily

Jiddu Daily, brings you the wisdom of Jiddu Krishnamurti everyday to you, so that you can savor the bliss of his profound thinking.For most of Jiddu K...