DV Code
Dorot's DV Code is a unique application used to identify and register Dorot products carrying a DV Code sticker. In addition, use the DV Code appl...
Dorot's DV Code is a unique application used to identify and register Dorot products carrying a DV Code sticker. In addition, use the DV Code appl...
dv Prompter is a full function teleprompter scripting application suitable for Android devices. Used standalone the app can be used with the expanding...
Stock Dividend Value Sniper, or DV Sniper for short is a dividend value play idea generator. It comes loaded with 3 watch lists: The S&P 500, Dow Jone...
VideoRoad PRO二合一的工具:它記錄你所看到的,通過你的汽車擋風玻璃,數字視頻錄像機(DVR)和記錄GPS軌跡。您可以設置錄製的視頻的質量您可以將錄製的視頻通過電子郵件,Skype公司,任何,谷歌雲存儲Dropbox的驅動器,微軟的SkyDrive,YouTube)的,臉譜,藍牙等關鍵字:...
「Re−AR」は、1つの仕掛けで多種に渡るプロモーションが可能! 読み込みスピード速度が最速!一瞬かざすだけ!わざわざ写真を撮ってから認識するのではなく、携帯を一瞬かざすだけで読み込み!また、平面だけでなく多少のゆがみにも反応するので人が着ているTシャツなどの認識も可能!多様な物体に仕掛けをつけられ...
DrivePro 是為 Transcend DrivePro 行車記錄器所設計,須搭配器材使用。為了您的安全,請勿在車子行進間,操作 DrivePro 或使用其 App。・即時觀看行車影像・即時播放行車錄影檔案・下載儲存行車錄影檔案到智慧型手機、平板電腦・瀏覽或刪除 DrivePro 記憶卡 / 已...
BIMvid is a complete end-to-end video platform for live streaming and on-demand publishing. We offer easy-to-use tools for editing, publishing, and mo...
Anti ageing healthy tips and news - The best anti ageing treatments, research, health and nutrition tips application include all you need for your ant...
إذا كنت تبحث عن تطبيق يساعدك على التعامل مع مشكلة التسجيل وإدارة فلوس القطه (العزبه)، هذا هو أفضل تطبيق بالنسبة لك. مدير القطه. يمكنك تتبع القطه والمص...
Mud engineer have big responsibility to keep drilling program running well. Because of the responsibility from mud engineer is very big, the Mud Engin...