

進入《時裝模特兒》, 為你的模特兒進行專業化妝, 給她穿上時尚服飾! 本遊戲現已對 Arm6 機型進行優化, 支援Galaxy Y, Galaxy ACE 等機型.到經理人公司從事模特兒工作: 拍攝雜誌封面、接受訪問、行時裝show...當你升至新level時, 遊戲會解鎖更多物品, 讓你多買新的名...

Honey-Do List

A simple application to keep track of your honey-do lists. Use this application to keep track of the tasks you need to complete and mark the tasks you...


AATCC the Association of Textile, Apparel & Materials Professionals app provides the best resource for what's happening at AATCC: workshops, sympo...