來懷舊一下吧. 還記得以前小時候玩的電子雞嗎? 如果你也曾經歴過那幾乎人手一隻的時期, 那你也很可能跟我一樣. 每天起床的第一件事就是檢查它是不是還活著, 自已吃飯時也認真的幫它餵養. 怕沒有人照顧, 就偷偷的帶去學校, 等待它發出叫聲卻又怕被老師發現, 就算回家邊寫作業時還是會不時瞄它幾眼, 睡前...
來懷舊一下吧. 還記得以前小時候玩的電子雞嗎? 如果你也曾經歴過那幾乎人手一隻的時期, 那你也很可能跟我一樣. 每天起床的第一件事就是檢查它是不是還活著, 自已吃飯時也認真的幫它餵養. 怕沒有人照顧, 就偷偷的帶去學校, 等待它發出叫聲卻又怕被老師發現, 就算回家邊寫作業時還是會不時瞄它幾眼, 睡前...
計算器應用程序。指數和對數計算,可以計算,在不到16位理性。它也可以複製結果到剪貼板。使用計算器的例子To enter an exponent, you need to use the button labeled "X^n". To enter "3^4", press "3", "X^n","4...
電波が悪くなってしまった時、ワンタッチですばやく電波を再受信するウィジェットです!!地下鉄の駅について電波が入るはずなのにいつまでも圏外のままという経験はありませんか?ウィジェットなのでいつでも手軽に電波を再受信できます!!再受信時間は約10秒です。ウィジェットサイズ: 1×1サイズSDカードには保...
Jane Eyre is a novel by Charlotte Brontë, published in 1847 by Smith, Elder & Company, which, at the time of its appearance-won great popularity, high...
Williston Northampton School’s app for iPhones, iPods and iPads allows student, faculty and parent constituents to take full advantage of the ever-gro...
**** Release Special Price ****Jane Eyre is a famous and influential novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë. It was published in London, England in ...
Willmar Community Christian School App. Stay connected with your school, events, activities, sports, and fund raising!免費玩Willmar Community Christian S...
Put the latest school news and events in the palm of your hand.With the district app, you can keep up-to-date with relevant school news right from you...
Willmot Public School, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at WPS...
Willmott Park Primary School, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening...