多益成績對照表 英檢


SDS抑郁自评量表,ZUNG编制,美国教育卫生部推荐用于精神药理学研究的量表之一,由Psychology Express重新编辑和制作。 主要统计指标为总分。把20题的得分相加为粗分,粗分乘以1.25,四舍五入取整数,即得到标准分。抑郁评定的分界值为50分,分数越高,抑郁倾向越明显。免費玩抑郁症自检...

Umbunky Maze

What is umbunky? is it a lion? is it a monkey?No one really knows but we can be certain he is an unstable sprite.Play as the hero Ty , can you save al...


Umitza. Umm... it's... uh? That's what you'll be saying when you try out this fast paced puzzle game. First, try to decipher the picture behind the di...