复旦大学创建于1905年,原名复旦公学,是中国人自主创办的第一所高等院校。校名“复旦”二字选自《尚书大传·虞夏传》中“日月光华,旦复旦兮”的名句,意在自强不息,寄托当时中国知识分子自主办学、教育强国的希望。 i复旦是复旦大学为所有师生及校友打造的移动校园应用平台。该平台为用户提供了一个随时随地了解校...
复旦大学附属肿瘤医院是国家卫生部直属的,集医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的三级甲等肿瘤专科医院,其前身是中比镭锭治疗院,于1931年3月1日正式成立,至今已有八十三年的历史,是中国成立最早的肿瘤专科医院。 ”复旦附属肿瘤 “是复旦大学附属肿瘤医院联合国内最优秀的移动医疗开发团队出品的一款移动互联网官方...
Looking for all the fashionistas who are ready to show what you can do! Download Dress Up Doll app for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and you can h...
Stopwatch Timer is a FREE stopwatch + timer app with a twist!... It talks to you, enabling you to keep your hands free and concentrate on other things...
Drag the chemicals to the matching borders! BUT How fast can you differentiate between the different chemicals? And How well can you remember the posi...
Mix and match items to create a cute and fashionable look.Take a photo of your fashion style and share it with friends.Graphics are optimized for Reti...
Hello and welcome to my application: Stopwatch UltimateThis stopwatch has a perfectly simple design. With a large display and some big buttons with pa...
Drive you crazy while preventing those Toxic Containers and Crystals from crashing.Bring the right containers and crystals to the correct Arms to gain...
Hello, in this girls game, you will meet a nice girl who needs your help to prepare for a party at one of her friends. Every little girl who will go t...