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你手机上的菜篮子,全国各地菜价实时查询,每天从各地批发市场自动更新肉类,蔬菜,水果价格。让你在这个CPI 疯长的时代,买菜拒绝坑爹! 特色菜篮子功能,可以根据添 加进菜篮子的菜推荐菜谱,不再为晚饭吃什么发愁~ 菜谱种类丰富,每道菜都有详细的制作步骤,满足您的美食需求; 您还可以把您的菜肴同步到微博,...
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HOW DO YOU LACE YOUR SHOES?Do you just use an "ordinary" lacing method? You may be surprised at what's possible!You have found, without a doubt, the m...
Do you have what it takes to prove yourself in the ring? Train your fully customizable boxer to defeat over 100 different opponents and dominate the u...
******************************************************************************** Happy Easter! This is the easter (lite) version of Jewelry Bubble, an...
The space/time ipod for you iPhone. 3 modes to live your life at the rythm of music. TIMER MODE Set minutes/hours, select music from your music librar...
Pocket parrot talks to you with hilarious and cute voice. He is good looking pet and one of the smartest parrots that can learn his master's words. He...
Game preview on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkuOWs9j0L4Story of Van Helsing: The Undead SlayerVan Helsing travel anywhere in the world to ...
ESSENTIAL phrases for your trips to Germany. HEAR&LEARN; how to speak perfectly pronounced German. QUICK and USEFUL! Instead of learning 1000 unnecess...