简单的电池电量显示软件,它显示了当前手机电池的电量,同时也会显示电池的更多信息,比如当前电压,使用的技术等等。 它还提供了一些便捷的工能: 1.一键锁屏功能:能方便的帮助您关闭手机屏幕,减少了电源键的压力。 2.新消息电量屏幕:当有信短息的时候它会自动的点亮手机屏幕,方便您查阅短信内容,同时也省去了...
简单的电池电量显示软件,它显示了当前手机电池的电量,同时也会显示电池的更多信息,比如当前电压,使用的技术等等。 它还提供了一些便捷的工能: 1.一键锁屏功能:能方便的帮助您关闭手机屏幕,减少了电源键的压力。 2.新消息电量屏幕:当有信短息的时候它会自动的点亮手机屏幕,方便您查阅短信内容,同时也省去了...
话说唐僧师徒四人上次去西天取经没带U盘,被佛主赶了回来,而且忘记问佛主的QQ号,只能卷土重来,再次上路。 但他们却未曾料到,即将踏上的西游之路已不再是打死几个妖怪,调戏几个蜘蛛精那么简单了。 各路神仙和各色妖魔已摆下宝珠迷阵沿途阻挡,唐僧哥哥正光着膀子拨动宝珠使出各种必杀。。。 “大师兄,师傅和二师...
话说唐僧师徒四人上次去西天取经没带U盘,被佛主赶了回来,而且忘记问佛主的QQ号,只能卷土重来,再次上路。 但他们却未曾料到,即将踏上的西游之路已不再是打死几个妖怪,调戏几个蜘蛛精那么简单了。 各路神仙和各色妖魔已摆下宝珠迷阵沿途阻挡,唐僧哥哥正光着膀子拨动宝珠使出各种必杀。。。 “大师兄,师傅和二师...
#1 App in the kids categoryCheck also our newest app called Find-and-Seek book funfair with beautiful animation!The ideaWe, the makers of the Wimmel-A...
The concept and implementation We, the makers of the Wimmel app, grew up with the famous Wimmelbilderbücher, or “teeming picture books”. Because nowad...
The concept and implementation We, the makers of the Wimmel app, grew up with the famous Wimmelbilderbücher, or “teeming picture books”. Because nowad...
WEEKEND SALE: To celebrate #1 in German App Store (iPad games for kids). This weekend only!The concept and implementationWe, the makers of the Wimmel ...
The concept and implementationWe, the makers of the Wimmel app, grew up with the famous Wimmelbilderbücher, or “teeming picture books”. Because nowada...
Have you ever get a Christmas present from a PRINCE? Now you can be Prince William as the pilot of the Air Ambulance Chopper and throw down a lots of ...
Welcome to Williamspurrrrg, a family-friendly, cooperative, multitouch puzzler where you outfit cats in mustaches, fedoras, bowties, and other hipster...