

鉅亨基金 「鉅亨基金」為基金投资人规划,让使用者快速瀏览最新的基金资讯,独家的基金查询功能,立即掌握各基金最新净值与走势图、投资绩效、风险评级、投资持股等,高效率做出最佳投资决策。 【鉅亨基金软体说明】 鉅亨网-台湾Top1全球金融财经网站,专為基金投资人规划的「鉅亨基金」,让使用者快速瀏览最新的基...


Feature• Scan and Photo中華防偽雲 Wetrusty anti-counterfeit Label.• On-Screen comparison and genuine identify.• Official information links and promotion ev...

Touching Me

Touch Me Now is the new game of LapKan Corp.Game include 8 mini game for you to touch and touch.Amazing star and everything you can do with your finge...


Stickers that can be used Line, WeChat Please try to convey the feeling in the sticker picture of the hand entered the loved ones of me. Now that SNS ...