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感谢您一直以来对驴评网的关注和支持。作为携程旗下网站,为了更好地为广大用户提供一站式旅游服务,驴评城市指南迁移至携程城市指南。 携程城市指南是你旅行参考的必备工具。你可以离线查看各个热门城市的景点、酒店、餐馆、自助游玩线路以及精选的最佳网友攻略等信息,无须支付流量漫游费用。所有信息来自网友的真实点评...
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Versão Lite, com apenas 2 páginas e jogos disponíveis.Chegou ao Brasil, narrado por Marcelo Tas, o aplicativo infantil mais premiado na França. Primei...
Primeiro volume da coleção iPad, "Medo..., eu?" conta a história de Gaspar, um lobinho que tem medo... de lobos! Esta história está disponível na App ...
Gå på opdagelse i gas-energiens spændende univers!Med denne app kan du gå på opdagelse i GASmuseets udstillinger om gas og energi.App’en tager udgangs...
Pass your Gas Safety Exam First Time !Anyone wishing to carry out gas work must be competent and registered with the Gas Safe Register. In order to de...
Gif Me! is the best way to create and share short video in animated GIF or MP4. It's easy: capture a small moment with your built in camera, and share...
Gas diffusion calculates the binary diffusion coefficient for a pair of gasses as a function of the temperature and the pressure. The app is simple to...
Introducing the absolute “must have” app for every HVAC technician’s toolbox! The Gas Furnace Diagnostics app is the first of its kind, allowing you, ...