本院創始於民國41年,原為國軍第2醫務中隊,之後經由長官們的支持, 許多醫療前輩的努力, 眾多同仁的打拼, 以「尊重生命、全人服務、軍民一家、 健康關懷」為宗旨,培養品德與智慧並重、愛心與耐心合一的醫療人才。從致力「尊重生命」,照護病人, 漸發展成「麻雀雖小,五臟俱全」的地區醫院,繼而穩健成長為「軍...
本院創始於民國41年,原為國軍第2醫務中隊,之後經由長官們的支持, 許多醫療前輩的努力, 眾多同仁的打拼, 以「尊重生命、全人服務、軍民一家、 健康關懷」為宗旨,培養品德與智慧並重、愛心與耐心合一的醫療人才。從致力「尊重生命」,照護病人, 漸發展成「麻雀雖小,五臟俱全」的地區醫院,繼而穩健成長為「軍...
《中国医院》是中华人民共和国卫生部主管、中国医院协会主办的医院管理学术期刊,是中国医院协会会刊,是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)。其任务是贯彻党和国家医疗卫生工作方针政策 ,报道我国医院管理理论研究和实践探索的重大进展,发布医院行业信息,反映广大医院管理工作者和医务人员的意见和呼声,强化...
CAN YOU FIND ALL THE HIDDEN OBJECTS?Have fun with your child as you try to spot our characters hiding in dozens of different settings. abricot games -...
Three Advanced Brainwave Entrainment Programs in One App! Includes a Binaural Wake-Up Program to Energize your brain, as well as a Sleep Inducing Bina...
Every girl dreams of becoming their favorite beautiful singer or famous movie star, but few ever get the chance. You can change that! Costume Dress Up...
Gradually you change your face or your photo into a very fun virtual card by erasing the screen. It is truly magical and surprising. You can test many...
Cupcake Shop is a fun and original game that lets you go through the whole process of making your own cupcakes – choose your favorite character, pick ...
This is a Ads Free VersionStrengthen your wagering skills with this classic casino dice game. Make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of r...
Discover Many of Popular Dragon Ball Z Characters that you must to know about!!!! Test your brain! Reveal the pictures of anime images & Guess that na...