传统的家庭主妇做饭套路是:痛苦地思考今晚吃什么菜,翻开菜谱查看怎么做,然后去市场买相应的食材,按菜谱步骤做饭。 '网上厨房'软件的做法是:打开冰箱看看家里有什么食材,把它们的关键字输入'网上厨房',在搜索了超过几万份菜谱后,你马上知道今天该吃什么菜、怎么做。 这种方法能把冰箱里快过期的食物做成美味佳...
Les Laboratoires Grünenthal mettent à la disposition des professionnels de santé une application complète autour de la prise en charge de la douleur r...
The Changes Salon & Day Spa app was developed specifically for our clientele. Now you can schedule an appointment for services, receive discounts by u...
This is the easiest way to change dns settings. Just select a dns setting from the list. You can also reset dns settings.免費玩Change Dns APP玩免費免費玩Change...
Utile applicazione per convertire il valore in franchi svizzeri in valore in euro e viceversa, con tassi di cambio sempre aggiornati.免費玩Change chf-eur...
With ChangeEncoding you can change the encoding of any file you want. Useful for fixing problems with subtitles for ex.You'll be asked to install ...
The value of the dollar has steadily declined since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created. The process has accelerated in 1971 when President Nixo...
Calculates1. Change with different prices (e.g. adult, children and baby tickets)2. Adds up to 20 figures3. Percentage of figures4. Normal calculatorC...
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