中山醫院是一所綜合性之地區醫院,創始於西元1976年。因建築設計完美(曾獲最佳醫院設計獎),醫療設備新穎,得吸引二百位國內一流之醫學專家參與工作,服務遍括三十一種不同醫學專科,很快成為揚名國內外之中型醫院,由最初之六十床擴增至今日的二百一十七床,成為追求高品質醫療服務病患的保健中心。 安裝中山醫院A...
本院創始於民國41年,原為國軍第2醫務中隊,之後經由長官們的支持, 許多醫療前輩的努力, 眾多同仁的打拼, 以「尊重生命、全人服務、軍民一家、 健康關懷」為宗旨,培養品德與智慧並重、愛心與耐心合一的醫療人才。從致力「尊重生命」,照護病人, 漸發展成「麻雀雖小,五臟俱全」的地區醫院,繼而穩健成長為「軍...
Do you want to measure an object by taking a photo (or two) of it? Now you can with the Photo Distance Measure app. Here is how it works.1. Take a pho...
Photo Disk is a image gallery application with password protection facility. You can transfer your photos via iTunes or just import the foto from came...
Discover beautiful photos with Photo Discover.Photo Discover will show you the photos associated with the themes via an slideshow made with beautifu...
Special Offer.Picture speed dialing for the iPhone. With PhotoDial you can click on your contacts' portrait to call them. The fastest way to dial a nu...
Do you still have to download and use the wallpapers designed by others?Do you want to design your own wallpapers by your own photos?Photo Designer HD...
Do you still have to download and use the wallpapers designed by others?Do you want to design your own wallpapers by your own photos?Photo Designer HD...
Do you still have to download and use the wallpapers designed by others? Do you want to design your own wallpapers by your own photos? Photo Designer ...