

加一,加一种生活,让宅男宅女们发现更鲜活的社交生活。应用设计为大学生陌生人社交。 陌生人社交,不像熟人社交那般有既定的信用机制,用户抱着猎奇心理进入,却往往发现遇到的人鱼龙混杂,在缺乏信任机制的平台上,用户很难鉴别哪些是肆无忌惮的狩猎者,哪些是遵循现代商业规则的文明人。加一,加一种生活,以大学生用户...


JKS is the app made for the JKS European Championships 2014. It contains maps, entries and other useful information for the participants as well as fo...


建设城市 Construction City是一款非常有意思的休闲模拟建筑游戏。在这个游戏中,你的任务是建设一个你喜欢的城市,你可以控制12台机器,如起重机,挖掘机,卡车,拖拉机。。。等等,。你需要使用这些强大的车辆完成各个关卡。一共有5个主题,105个关卡,逼真的物理效果。不过有些关卡确实挺难的。...

Water Scape

Ripple effect living panorama landscape! This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with pan...

Peppers The Game

Experience the next addictive game created exclusively for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. 'Peppers' is unlike any other match-three on the market t...