NPUST 國立屏東科技大學
此為屏科大專屬APP,幫助學校師生及訪客隨時掌握屏科最新情報,目前已整合部份學生常用校務資訊系統的服務,未來會陸續增加更友善的服務已提供服務:– 直接連結「學校首頁」「地理位置」「校園簡介」– 最新消息-校園搶先報– 接收全校、各學院或各系所即時發佈的行動推播訊息– 緊急及各系所系辦聯絡電話– 校園...
此為屏科大專屬APP,幫助學校師生及訪客隨時掌握屏科最新情報,目前已整合部份學生常用校務資訊系統的服務,未來會陸續增加更友善的服務已提供服務:– 直接連結「學校首頁」「地理位置」「校園簡介」– 最新消息-校園搶先報– 接收全校、各學院或各系所即時發佈的行動推播訊息– 緊急及各系所系辦聯絡電話– 校園...
「致理技術學院行動圖書館」提供圖書館師生利用智慧型手機,輕鬆且快速地取得圖書館的相關資訊;讀者更可透過此軟體進行個人化服務,如接收預約到館通知、專題選粹服務、預約服務等。眾多令人驚豔的功能項目等您親自體驗。關鍵字:HyLib;致理技術學院圖書館;圖書館;大學圖書館;CHIHLEE;CHIHLEE m...
The official app for the Expo Scotland and Manufex Scotland Show taking place at Hampden Park, GlasgowThis app consists of two complementary apps; a m...
The Expo Cumbria app consists of two complementary apps; a mobile app and a web app. The mobile app can be used on your smart device and the web app i...
The official app for North East Expo Autumn 2014 & Manufex North, taking place at Kingston Park Stadium in Newcastle on the 19th of November.This app ...
The official app for Expo London South 2014, taking place at Epsom Downs Racecourse, London on the 26th of November.This app consists of two complemen...
The official app for ad:tech London 2014, taking place at Olympia, London on the 21st and 22nd of October.This app consists of two complementary apps;...
The Expo Northwest app consists of two complementary apps; a mobile app and a web app. The mobile app can be used on your smart device and the web app...
Auf der Suche nach steuerlichem Rat können Sie gratis unsere TaxConnect Apps nutzen, um sich über Steuertipps zu informieren und einen passenden, gute...
Countdown to the exact start time of the next seasons (spring, summer, fall/autumn and winter).Features:- for the northern and southern hemisphere- an...