NPUST 國立屏東科技大學
此為屏科大專屬APP,幫助學校師生及訪客隨時掌握屏科最新情報,目前已整合部份學生常用校務資訊系統的服務,未來會陸續增加更友善的服務已提供服務:– 直接連結「學校首頁」「地理位置」「校園簡介」– 最新消息-校園搶先報– 接收全校、各學院或各系所即時發佈的行動推播訊息– 緊急及各系所系辦聯絡電話– 校園...
此為屏科大專屬APP,幫助學校師生及訪客隨時掌握屏科最新情報,目前已整合部份學生常用校務資訊系統的服務,未來會陸續增加更友善的服務已提供服務:– 直接連結「學校首頁」「地理位置」「校園簡介」– 最新消息-校園搶先報– 接收全校、各學院或各系所即時發佈的行動推播訊息– 緊急及各系所系辦聯絡電話– 校園...
一款教兒童英語動物名稱的互動教育遊戲。 在學習時,孩子們可以拼讀,甚至錄音!• 透過遊戲和活動教孩子們英語• 由語言學習專家為3-10歲兒童設計• 非常適合學步寶寶、學前兒童及幼稚園的小朋友們• 大孩子們和成人也喜歡Fun English!FUN ENGLISH ANIMALS: 孩子們將學習哪些英...
Gli Scooppiati diversamente band nascono circa 4 anni fa, da un'idea di Giuseppe Salis e Andrea Curatolo, all'interno del progetto d'inclusione social...
Download the app for Scooters Bar & Grill and enjoy an exclusive offer, a loyalty punch card program, up-to-date information on menus and events and h...
L'App Scopalto est un kiosque numérique consacré aux revues culturelles, aux magazines artistiques et aux fanzines créatifs. Scopalto vous permet de c...
Chi sei veramente? Sai sfruttare le tue capacità? Quali sono i tuoi punti deboli?Test psicologici per conoscere meglio te stesso e il tuo carattere. A...
Hassab Labs app has been developed as a tool to help clients with all it's services such as:- Find the nearest branch - know the recent programs and p...
Use the most up to date, clinically validated method to calculate the one year risk of bleeding in your patient with atrial fibrillation. Based upon t...
Use the most up to date, clinically validated method to calculate the one year risk of bleeding in your patient with atrial fibrillation. Based upon t...
Laburnum Primary School Skoolbag App for parents, students and community. It features push notification Alerts, Parent eForms, Events, News, School eN...