HR magazine is the most innovative,thought-provoking and creative media brand for business leaders who want to develop high-performing organisations. ...
HR magazine is the most innovative,thought-provoking and creative media brand for business leaders who want to develop high-performing organisations. ...
HRM-FORUM ist die offizielle App des Bildungsforums des HRM-Magazins und macht alle Informationen rund um unsere Tagungen mobil verfügbar. Auf den Kon...
學阿拉伯語收錄了超過800句常用的短語和詞彙精華。你將會發現這是一個非常有用的工具,尤其是當你到埃及,沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯聯合酋長國旅遊、遇見從當地來的朋友或在當地遇上緊急情況的時候等…… 透過本精華集,你可以跟懂得阿拉伯語的小鸚鵡學習阿拉伯語。無論你在何時何地,小鸚鵡都會與你一同練習您的閱讀和聆聽...
學阿拉伯語應用收錄了超過1500句常用的阿拉伯語短語和詞彙,這是一個非常有用的語言工具,尤其是當你到講阿拉伯語國家旅遊、到講阿拉伯語國家出差或在講阿拉伯語國家遇上緊急情況的時候等…… 每句用語均配有阿拉伯當地資深錄音員錄製的發音,我們盡全力的保障地道、易懂的發音。 您可以在任何地方,任何時間,練習您...
Tower stacker is the new sensational game where your skill come to the test. Simply tap to control when the block falls, if the block is off balance i...
Doctors found that releasing your anger only takes three simple questions.Whenever your anger runs high, this application walks you through the three ... is an assault-response application (app) for your iphone. When activated it becomes a virtual witness to assaults (verbal or physical)...
Do you like to think? Do you feel pleasure from logic puzzles? If it is true then the game Tower Steps was made just for you! In this game you can fin...