

本书详细介绍了各种推拿按摩手法,并介绍了各种手法的辨证施术规律,各种手法的不同排列组合,及其不同的医疗作用,和对各类疾病的治疗手法套路,以及手法常规等。 全书以中医理论为基础,结合西医学理论知识,运用推拿按摩手法治各种病症,并经点校整理而成,使语言更加通俗易懂,简便实用。手法讲解详细,对许多疾病的治...

Thread Campus

Connect with your campus like never before! Thread shows you people from your campus and lets you anonymously decide who you’d like to meet. If they l...

Ice Bag.

There is no way out. Target is to follow 3 basic rules:1) Be quite2) Beware of red icicles3) Have fun !!!Press and hold the right side of the screen t...