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歌神24H平價自助式KTV,佇立於嘉義市(西區)繁華的友愛路上。 現今消費意識抬頭,業界競爭的開放,讓消費者有更多樣化的選擇,在消費者意識覺醒的今天,歌神KTV更致力於服務品質的提升,更加精益求精並了解消費者的需求,因為我們一直堅信「品質」「服務」「快速」是競爭元素的動力,所以-以客為尊是我們的理念...
A unique puzzle game inspired by 'Checkers' & 'Peg Solitaire'. The objective of Pebble Jump is to clear the board by jumping over pieces in the style ...
This is a fast-paced game of stealthy planning and cunning execution. The object is to simultaneously keep your tank safe while attacking your opponen...
What was to be an exciting skydiving adventure for a den of intrepid rabbits has gone awry. Despite their careful preparation and training, the parach...
The Come Back App Lite gives you 8 different come backs. Have a Come Back for almost every situation. Just touch a button and your device shouts that ...
How would you look as a zombie?! What about your friends?ZombieBooth is a fun way to instantly make your face into a 3D, animated zombie! You can even...
OVER 2 MILLION DOWNLOADS! JOIN THE FUN! YOUR KIDS ARE GOING TO LOVE IT! Trains, Horses, Boats, Sheep, Cats, whatever sounds inspire your child, Sound ...
To celebrate the release of "KORG iM1 for iPad", KORG music apps are up to 50% off until June 30!Korg’s ELECTRIBE·R has been coveted by dance musician...