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RT es una app con la que puedes determinar un promedio del tiempo de reverberación (o por octavas) de un modo sencillo y gratuito.Funcionamiento:1. Ar...
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Journey into a young girl’s nightmares in this gripping hidden object adventure! Laura has been haunted by eerie dreams of the Sandman ever since she ...
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*** A JIGSAW PUZZLE WITH 100+ HD Retina images ABOUT THE CITY***Jigsaw - the complete game is an easy to play and constantly updating game with more a...
▪ Want to turn your iPad / iPhone / iPod into a very special streaming-stock-quote clock? ▪ Want to monitor stock market and view large Clock-Style an...
Tap to drop the jelly blox while they move left and right. The more accurate you drop the blox the higher score you'll get. If you miss 3 blox the gam...
Venture through numerous worlds with Drew, while dreaming of riches. Flying through the clouds try to collect as many coins as possible while avoiding...