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Sketch Buddy is a tool for any level doodler what would like to improve/practice their drawling skills. Sketch Buddy includes over 70 images for you t...
How to Use Sport Sound Effects: Really easy to use you have several different sound effects to play the effect tap on one of the images and shake the ...
Do your kids always ask for stories when they go to bed?***Bedtime Stories Collection is certified by the kidSAFE® Seal Program.***Are they bored of t...
Big Problems: Solved with Character!'PROBLEM SOLVED! Readers' present real-world problems that will be familiar to young children. Each story shows ho...
Don’t be afraid of your maverick and don’t even constrain your personality when you feel incompatible with the world. Rather than conceal your unique ...
Diese App ist eine kostenlose Demo Version zu meinen verschiedenen Sportboot Apps.Mit dieser kostenlosen App kannst Du testen, ob Dir die kostenpflich...
Das geniale Lernsystem für den Sportbootführerschein-Binnen. Wie in einem intelligenten Karteikartensystem wiederholt die App alle Prüfungsfragen. Ist...
*** Winner of the 2014 Family & Parent Choice Award ****** Winner of the 2014 TeachersWithApps Award ***A simple poem about knowing when it is time to...