咖啡家coffee+ 新竹


ONE CLICK is all you need to find and map your favorite Coffee stores and restaurants.No wandering through multiple screens; this QuickClick series ap...


How much are you drinking coffee? Let's check. Please press the button once for a cup of coffee to breathe. Each time you press the button ohneulk...

Brew My Coffee

Can't remember the right amount of water to use when brewing coffee? Or how about the amount of coffee to use? Brew My Coffee is a simple and easy...

Kevin’s Coffee凱文咖啡

凱文咖啡以「誠信至上、專業及時、全心全意」的服務宗旨,用最專業的廚藝、最優質的食材、最務實的價格,隨時為您提供服務!本應用程式為 Kevin’s Coffee凱文咖啡專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 關於凱文● 凱文佳餚● 凱文據點● 首選推薦● 多重推薦● 預約專線● 線...

食の情報源 by 記事蔵

【主婦にも役立つ】 コンビニやスーパーなどで発売される食品、飲料などの新製品情報を網羅!商品写真つきで新製品ウォッチに最適!【食品業界人必携!】 食品業界のトップ紙「日本食糧新聞」がiPhoneで手軽に片手でサクサク読める!※価格は1ヶ月の購読料です。1ヶ月経過後は、さらに1ヶ月(480円)、3ヶ月...


Big Light Peg Fun for Kids of All Ages!1 App - All your iOS Devices! Enjoy!"If Surat had Lights!, well, maybe not so good; but who's Surat?" - Art Xpe...