中文說明:這是一個時鐘 widget(2x2 3x3), 您可以從您的圖庫中選取一張照片,作放大或是縮小, 然後擷取您想要顯示的部分, 設定成時鐘的背景. 這個程式也提供選項讓您設定時鐘的"框", "數字", "時針分針", 如此您就可以設定一個您專屬的時鐘放在手機的待機畫面. 這個程式是為了我剛出...
中文說明:這是一個時鐘 widget(2x2 3x3), 您可以從您的圖庫中選取一張照片,作放大或是縮小, 然後擷取您想要顯示的部分, 設定成時鐘的背景. 這個程式也提供選項讓您設定時鐘的"框", "數字", "時針分針", 如此您就可以設定一個您專屬的時鐘放在手機的待機畫面. 這個程式是為了我剛出...
免費的!這是一個收藏熱的阿茲台克人的時尚印花圖案!該庫包含12選擇。 如果你喜歡時尚的霓虹燈,部落圖案,非洲和墨西哥印刷壁紙,你會喜歡這個集合。 有很多霓虹燈阿茲台克人的時尚印花圖案壁紙可以選擇享受。你可以將它們作為你的背景牆紙!或在社交媒體使用! 這個簡單的應用程序已經為你做的很簡單。在短短的幾個...
Munathara is an open Arab debate initiative based in Tunis.Our vision is to create an independent, innovative, fair and representative debating forum ...
Multitasking now available on the iPad. This clever software includes three apps in one: - Safari webbrowser- Twitter app- Facebook appThey run at the...
Mum's Playground is a free portable guide to the most baby-friendly locations near you, rated by mums for mums! Wherever you are, you can search and f...
If you are dealing with a darkest secrets that you are keeping from everyone, and its making you anxious cause you are in constant inner battle. More ...
Enjoy a uber fast & fun way to chat with friends. Ask your best friend a question, set the time limit for them to respond (up to 30 seconds) and press...
Your choices matter. Use Mumm to connect with friends, brands and celebrities around the world to influence decisions large and small. Weigh in on you...
Because motherhood counts, we made an app for that!Make your parenthood experience a connected one through the first social mobile app for mothers in ...
MultiPop es una empresa creada con el concepto de asistir al usuario en sus MULTIPLES tareas y necesidades, brindándole a las Personas las mejores Ofe...