※※下載APP前請先確認行動裝置是否支援OTG功能及搭配專屬行動裝置讀卡機與Micro USB OTG連接線或轉接頭※※※※目前搭配專屬行動裝置讀卡機為EasyATM Pro2 第二代鍵盤安全輸入型ATM晶片讀卡機※※合作金庫銀行即日起推出行動ATM APP應用程式,只要持有財金晶片金融卡,即可透過...
※※下載APP前請先確認行動裝置是否支援OTG功能及搭配專屬行動裝置讀卡機與Micro USB OTG連接線或轉接頭※※※※目前搭配專屬行動裝置讀卡機為EasyATM Pro2 第二代鍵盤安全輸入型ATM晶片讀卡機※※合作金庫銀行即日起推出行動ATM APP應用程式,只要持有財金晶片金融卡,即可透過...
AudioChef was build up from ground to give you the most comfort to manage and listen to all of your favorite Audiobooks.Adding audiobooks to AudioChef...
En esta aplicación encontrarás una recopilación de algunos relatos escritos por este fantástico escritor. Gibrán Khalil Gibrán fué un poeta, pintor, n...
Fantástica recopilación en audio de los cuentos más mágicos de Hadas, Duendes y Brujas-EL HADA: Este precioso cuento nos relata como dos hermanas muy ...
En este audiolibro encontrará impresionantes historias que contienen una mezcla de misterio y horror, cada cuento lo sumergirá en una enigmática trama...
Learn the difference between Good and Well with this standards aligned iPad app!Students will: • Recognize the difference between good and well • Use ...
Learn the difference between "it's" and "its" with this Common Core standards aligned english language arts app.Students will: • Recognize the differe...
Students will: • Recognize the difference between who's and whose • Use who's and whose correctly• Write sentences using whose or who'sGrade Level(s)2...
Learn the difference between "you're" and "your" with this Common Core standards aligned english language arts app.Students will: • Recognize the diff...
This application has thousands of free audiobooks, best sellers, new releases and classics in every genre. Download and listen thousands classic audio...