

內容介紹 : *** 本APP在AppleStore財經類免費類別曾經排名第九名 *** 出國前想換外幣,卻不知道去哪家銀行比較划算?! 還是手頭上有剩餘的外幣,想找兌換台幣比較有利的銀行?! 來試試看"外幣現金匯率"吧! !!! 多種外幣匯率!!! !!! 最多家銀行匯率 !!! 外幣現金匯率提...


中国邮政集团公司官方唯一推出的手机客户端应用,也称“手机邮局”,其提供报刊订阅、优选Shopping、邮政小包、邮编查询、网点查询、邮件查询、资费查询和资费计算等功能。 【基本信息】 作者:中国邮政集团公司 更新时间:2014-07-09 版本:1.0.8 系统:Android 2.1.x以上 语言...


Lighting&Sound International (LSi) is a leading B2B magazine for professional lighting, sound, visual & staging technology in the entertainment, prese...

Daily Express

★★★★ Download the app for free today and also get 14 days of access to the Daily Express included ★★★★Subscribe to the Daily Express today and pay les...

Denver Limo

Need a limousine in the Denver area? You've come to the right place. Denver Limo is an app that connects you with Limo Express, the premier Denver...

Vitamin Guide

Is the fact that you would like to use vitamins correctly but just don't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem ...