Screen Filter能将萤幕亮度降的非常低, 很适合夜晚使用手机的时候。能减少眼睛疲劳, 又能省电。 Pro/进阶版额外功能: 定时启动与关闭 开机时可选择自动执行 可以自订状态栏按键(Android 4.1以上) - 状态栏按键最多可以加入三个 - 增加与减少亮度按键 (+5%, -5%, ...
Screen Filter能将萤幕亮度降的非常低, 很适合夜晚使用手机的时候。能减少眼睛疲劳, 又能省电。 Pro/进阶版额外功能: 定时启动与关闭 开机时可选择自动执行 可以自订状态栏按键(Android 4.1以上) - 状态栏按键最多可以加入三个 - 增加与减少亮度按键 (+5%, -5%, ...
此APP能將螢幕亮度降的非常低*, 很適合夜晚使用手機的時候。能減少眼睛疲勞, 又能省電。*亮度降低程度可調整至比原廠最低值還低, 若調的太暗, 按音量鍵即可復原(此功能限設定視窗內使用)。濾鏡模式能改變螢幕的顏色,過濾夜晚時刺眼的白光。顏色可依自己的喜好做調整。濾鏡模式具有過濾藍色光的效果,選擇越...
Screen Filter能将萤幕亮度降的非常低, 很适合夜晚使用手机的时候。能减少眼睛疲劳, 又能省电。 Pro/进阶版额外功能: 定时启动与关闭 开机时可选择自动执行 可以自订状态栏按键(Android 4.1以上) - 状态栏按键最多可以加入三个 - 增加与减少亮度按键 (+5%, -5%, ...
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To make daddy happy, special price for "MotoRacer 15th Anniversary" all this week-endDon't miss this Father's Day offer. Monday, it will be too late.....
The average number of days a human would have lived to reach 70 years of age is 25,568. This amount of time is considered by many to be a full lifetim...
MealJournal is an app for people diagnosed with eating disorders to track their daily eating habits, thoughts, and feelings.It is NOT a dieting app, o...
In this memory game, your child must find pairs on the theme of animals. Sound effects, sound and appellation of animals are included in the game.9 di...