The Scarlets were created when Welsh elite rugby was restructured a few years ago. The Scarlets played at Stradey Park until October 2008. The followi...
The Scarlets were created when Welsh elite rugby was restructured a few years ago. The Scarlets played at Stradey Park until October 2008. The followi...
《哥斯拉 Godzilla-Smash3》是根据日本著名的怪兽电影系列改编而来,沿用了电影的情节,玩家扮演狂暴的哥斯拉,你的敌人就是人类,你的目标就是让全世界陷入末日恐慌:毁掉一切。如果你嫌这些都不过瘾,哥斯拉还有必杀技 “Nuclear Breath”来伺候。游戏包含了若干全球各地的不同场景的关卡...
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KTdict C-D for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch provides you a comprehensive, easy to use and fast Chinese-German dictionary. The following features make i...
An insanely addictive action board game for 4 players! Start herding those silly sheep and make them stay put. Up to 4 players can play on the same iP...
年輕偶像歌手江若琳首次推出寫真集The Moment,現抽出精華相片,讓iphone用戶可以免費一睹為快! Idol singer Elanne Kong finally has her first photo album. This lite version is free for iphone ...
A completely new app! iResize has been remade from the ground up to be even easier to use and faster than ever! Requires iOS 6.0 or higher.Batch proce...
This is the perfect running companion! Choose from a selection of training programs, there's one for you whether you're looking forward to improve you...