
友達光電 iceCream

友達光電員工專屬行動福利平台,提供相關福利優惠訊息、特約商店資訊及其他相關活動。一週內新夥伴帳號如無法登入請寫信至service@auoer.com 如兩週以上同仁無法登入請您寫信至service@eme.tw 我們將協助您儘速開通作業(係由同仁工號資料庫設定於雲端,非企業內部以避免資安問題,因此會...


A scratch-off game while going on a date with a cute scratch girl. Scratch the silver parts and get three matching marks. You can go on a date with th...

Camera Fun ™

➤ New Update ➤ Now you can shoot awesome videos with the photo effects! Yowza!! Camera Fun - Point & shoot photo effects camera, shoot pictures and vi...

Water Gallery

This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with immortal paintings and melodious music.The p...