國立臺東大學圖書館WebPac館藏查詢系統,學校師生只要在App Store將程式下載至個人智慧型手機,經由讀者證號及密碼驗證,即可查尋本館的館藏資源取得服務。本應用程式提供館藏資料查詢、搜尋教授指定參考書、提供圖資館訊息通知,並提供個人化服務的環境,讀者可線上申請借閱、預約、網路借書、查詢個人借閱...
國立臺東大學圖書館WebPac館藏查詢系統,學校師生只要在App Store將程式下載至個人智慧型手機,經由讀者證號及密碼驗證,即可查尋本館的館藏資源取得服務。本應用程式提供館藏資料查詢、搜尋教授指定參考書、提供圖資館訊息通知,並提供個人化服務的環境,讀者可線上申請借閱、預約、網路借書、查詢個人借閱...
行動修平APP改版囉!!新版提供以下校園資訊服務:● 最新消息:校園內各項最新消息。● 交通指引:到本校地圖指引。● 關於修平:修平簡介、系所介紹、校園景觀圖。● 校內分機:搜尋、查找校內各單位分機資訊。● 公車資訊:到本校相關公車即時資訊。● MyHUST:使用PIS/SIS帳號登入可取得個人相關...
FlowCalculator allows the fast and easy calculation of the volumetric flow in dependence of the pipe diameter or the flow velocity. Change the values ...
The FlowToGo application allows you to take your Flow services with you! Access your home phone and electronic program guide while you are on the go. ...
The FlowToGo HD application allows you to take your Flow services with you! Access your home phone and electronic program guide while you are on the g...
This app is a simple app to calculate the flow rate of a liquid based off the given velocity and diameter.This app was developed by ITAMCO, for more i...
This application is a handy tool for Oil and Gas Engineers and Professionals. The app calculates gas flow using Weymouth, Panhandle A and Panhandle B ...
Flow draw allows you to quickly sketch out a process diagram and email it to a colleague. It is your mobile whiteboard with the ability to email the r...
Flow for iPhone is a great way to read your PDF-documents. Read your documents simple and elegant. Bookmark pages and set the brightness with ease. No...