臺灣藝術大學手機行動版,提供圖書館教職員生都可以利用智慧型手機,輕鬆快速地取得圖書館相關資訊。包括查詢館藏、教師指定參考書等等。 另外也提供個人專區服務,可以查看個人的借閱狀況、線上預約、專題選粹等服務。另外還有更多方便的服務都在裡面,歡迎您立刻來體驗。關鍵字: HyLib, 臺藝大, 臺藝大圖書...
臺灣藝術大學手機行動版,提供圖書館教職員生都可以利用智慧型手機,輕鬆快速地取得圖書館相關資訊。包括查詢館藏、教師指定參考書等等。 另外也提供個人專區服務,可以查看個人的借閱狀況、線上預約、專題選粹等服務。另外還有更多方便的服務都在裡面,歡迎您立刻來體驗。關鍵字: HyLib, 臺藝大, 臺藝大圖書...
國立臺東大學圖書館WebPac館藏查詢系統,學校師生只要在App Store將程式下載至個人智慧型手機,經由讀者證號及密碼驗證,即可查尋本館的館藏資源取得服務。本應用程式提供館藏資料查詢、搜尋教授指定參考書、提供圖資館訊息通知,並提供個人化服務的環境,讀者可線上申請借閱、預約、網路借書、查詢個人借閱...
This is an ADWTheme theme that will give your android phone a fresh new look. This is the red version of the pearly white series. Donate version for t...
This is an ADWTheme theme that will give your android phone a fresh new look. This is the red version of the pearly white series. If you like the them...
This is an ADWTheme theme that will give your android phone a fresh new look. This is the green version of the pearly white series. Donate version for...
ADW Launcher v1.0+ requiredThis is an ADWTheme theme that will give your android phone a fresh new look. This is the green version of the pearly white...
This is an ADWTheme theme that will give your android phone a fresh new look. This is the blue version of the pearly white series. Donate version for ...
This is an ADWTheme theme that will give your android phone a fresh new look. This is the blue version of the pearly white series. If you like the the...