簡介:這是一個找台灣彩券行的程式,可以利用定位或是在地圖上搜尋最近的彩卷商店,讓你在外想買樂透時可以方便指引的小工具。功能:可用GPS、網路定位或是在地圖上「長按」搜尋附近最近的彩券行。點擊商店圖示後會顯示地址和可以使用Google 地圖或是Google 導航執行導航至該位置,或是使用Google ...
簡介:這是一個找台灣彩券行的程式,可以利用定位或是在地圖上搜尋最近的彩卷商店,讓你在外想買樂透時可以方便指引的小工具。功能:可用GPS、網路定位或是在地圖上「長按」搜尋附近最近的彩券行。點擊商店圖示後會顯示地址和可以使用Google 地圖或是Google 導航執行導航至該位置,或是使用Google ...
First game of Checkers (Draughts), allowing you to play against your friends in a friendly atmosphere using «Bluetooth».This beautiful game includes s...
Vastu Shastra gives perfect Vastu design for the construction of a lucky house. In this Vastu apps by reading various informative articles one can kno...
2-D Rubik's Cube-like puzzle. It's a compelling, frustrating and fun educational 2D puzzle for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Easy to learn but near...
2-D Rubik's Cube like puzzle. It's the perfect companion to Damero-Plus players and a tool to explore commuters and conjugates on a board.免費玩Damero Al...
Would you like to improve the quality of your life? Then use our Vastu application to check if your sweet home and workplace, is VASTU compliant or no...
2-D Rubik's Cube-like puzzle. Mathematical concepts needed to master this kind of puzzles are acquired while gaming. Commutators, cyclic permutations ...
Vastu, Vastu shastra: is an ancient doctrine which consists of precepts born out of a traditional and archaic ?view on how the laws of nature affect h...
Sizes, prices, distances, weights, lengths... Mathematics are everywhere!This App has two Goals. first is to help Kids learning Mathematics having fun...
DamaTurk is the free Turkish version of CheckersWorld. It is designed in Turkish style visual theme and played according to Turkish checkers rules. Ch...