Selected quotes from the classic Taoist philosophers - Laozi and Zhuangzi. You can read all the quotes together, or choose one of three widgets to pla...
Selected quotes from the classic Taoist philosophers - Laozi and Zhuangzi. You can read all the quotes together, or choose one of three widgets to pla...
以生动简洁的叙述和形象逼真的插图将浩繁的史籍帮助大家全面了解民族的历史,增加知识含量、开阔视野,读史铭智,更好地把握今天,创造明天。 目录: 盘古开天地 尧舜让位 大禹治水 武王伐纣 齐桓公九合诸侯 卧薪尝胆的勾践 孔子周游列国 孟母三迁 商鞅变法 一代名医扁鹊 完璧归赵 毛遂自荐 荆轲刺秦王 秦始...
一個自由的,有效的,有趣的方式學習和拼寫建立幼兒,兒童和兒童到10歲各年齡段的英語詞彙。遊戲提高孩子的手眼協調,因為他們收集並跳轉到完成一個字的字母順序氣球。特點:- 美麗的彩色背景- 股權變更的背景- 有26個字母的水平- 收集硬幣,以增加分數- 字母時,播放聲音收集任何字母氣球。如何玩:- 選擇...
Ever have trouble assigning doubles players when two teams play against each other? The "Doubles Game Mixer --- Two Team Version" is the best way to g...
Sabbath School is a Bible study app for the student, teacher, and small group leader. The studies are built on Scripture and encourage the reader to d...
***ORIGINAL 1979 MATTEL SOCCER*** Game clock's ticking! You thread your way downfield.Go for the Goal! Beat the computer-controlled defense. Kick & sc...
HippoDICT Lite is a free, iAd-supported Chinese-English dictionary with a clean, elegant, and ultra-fast interface.Built into HippoDICT Lite is the po...
The BEST Photoshop Tips + Trick videos on the planet. This is not a static App. These videos are constantly updated by experts in their field. With th...
吉祥專業三元羅盤,不僅是專業級堪輿師的最佳數位助理,也是一般民眾生活中最方便實用的風水諮詢電子書之一。此版羅盤的學理兼具了三元派、龍門八局與玄空派的秘傳理氣基礎。而「龍門八局」堪輿學術又稱為「三天水法」、「三朋法」或「乾坤國寶」,歷經明朝一代國師 劉伯溫仙師而發揚光大,於清末民初則由贛州風水名師 楊...