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酷讯机票能为您找到特价飞机票。酷讯机票---您的省钱助手。酷讯无线---您的贴心伴侣√ 航班查询、机票预订一站式√ 淘特价机票,发现你的超值之旅√ 价格趋势,未来一月机票价格查询 √ 航班动态,航班延误、晚点、取消等信息实时跟踪√ 机场帮助,机场大巴、机场天气、机场电话、服务更贴心同时我们承诺:√ ...
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Feed My Pet Dog Free, from the makers of League of Super Villains & War of Bubbles!It's the perfect pet feeding puzzler!However, feeding them won't be...
Canteens of Munich: - Mensa Leopoldstraße - Mensa Martinsried - Mensaria Großhadern - StuBistro Schellingstraße - StuBistro Goethestraße - Mensa Arcis...
Si vous confondez le poète avec le klaxon, ou encore le balcon avec la soirée nulle, alors cette application est faite pour vous !Plus de 200 confusio...
Don't you sometimes just want to kick some websites ass, asteroids style? Well now you can.Now the fantastic bookmarklet from http://erkie.github.com/...
Experience Vegas style, top quality casino games anytime, anywhere!Beginner or expert, if you want casino and you want to WIN BIG, 777 Ace Lucky Jackp...
**LEARN and have FUN at the same time** - Flashcards for iPad is a collection of great learning tools and games for preschoolers (age 2-5) - it also m...
Libib is a home library cataloging app, that allows you to scan in your books, movies, music and video games.It works in concert with libib.com, where...
Whether you're a current user of DVD Profiler for Windows or not, DVD Profiler for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad will help you take control of your DVD and B...